Dark Sector

Контент ID 3670
Ангилал PC Тоглоом
Хэл Англи
Файлын тоо 1
Хэмжээ 3.1 GB
Оруулсан Sambuu

Dark Sector is an Action game and published by ND Games released on 23 March, 2009 and designed for Microsoft Windows.Throughout the course of the game, players will witness Hayden’s transformation into something more than he was as he fights against Technocyte Virus taking over his body and effects it has on his psyche.Hayden gains incredible superhuman powers including deadly, bladed glaive that he can grow from his arm and use and throw with deadly accuracy.Download Dark Sector Game for free from this post and be sure to share this site with your friends.

  • Title: Dark Sector
  • Genre: Action, Shooting
  • Developer: Digital Extremes
  • Publisher: ND Games
  • Series: Dark Sector
  • File Size: 3.08 GB
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